Simon Benson (UK/NL)

On Both Sides of the River, titels van werken

Simon Benson, 'On Both Sides of the River', tekeningen in potlood op papier.
5 mei t/m 22 juni 2024, solo galerie beletage

01. Bankside Blues (The River). 2022. 30 x 40 cm
02. Study of Forgetting. 2023. 25 x 20 cm
03. Study of Forgetting. 2024. 40 x 30 cm
04. Rain (Seeing Eye Bird). 2024. 40 x 30 cm
05. A Thought Forming in the Distance. 2024. 40 x 30 cm
06. Out of Perspective (Reed Avenue). 2023. 20 x 30 cm
07. Isometric Heart. 2024. 30 x 20 cm
08. A Personal Perspective (The Royal Academy). 2022. 30 x 40 cm
09. [A] Day Ends _ Sisyphus. 2024. 45 x 35 cm
10. On Both Sides of the River (Tate Modern / St. Paul's). 2023. 30 x 40 cm
11. Jermyn Street Blues (The Timekeeper's Clock). 2023. 40 x 30 cm
12. On Both Sides of the Street. 2023. 45 x 35 cm
13. Camus (on Piccadilly). 2023. 45 x 35 cm
14. A Conversation in Sleep (Regent Street). 2002 – 2022. 35 x 35 cm
15. Study of an Eye. 2023. 30 x 20 cm
16. Rain (Great Tit). 2024. 40 x 30 cm
17. The Heart _ nr. 3. [Multiple ed. 4]. 2024. 30 x 20 cm
18. The Head (Camus) _ nr. 2. [Multiple ed. 4]. 2024. 30 x 20 cm
19. On Both Sides of the River. 2024. 40 x 30cm
20. Study of Forgetting. 2023. 25 x 20 cm
21. Rain (Camus). 2024. 40 x 30 cm
22. From My Own Perspective, A Conversation (The Royal Academy). 2002 - 2022. 36 x 30 cm
23. Song [Fades] _ Sisyphus. 2024. 45 x 35 cm
24. An Unexpected Perspective. 2023. 30 x 40 cm
25. An Overwhelming Sense of Being. 2024. 30 x 20 cm
26. The Ship of Fools (Night River). 2023. 45 x 35 cm
27. Gain (Some) Perspective On (Something). 2023. 30 x 30 cm
28. Study of an Eye. 2023. 30 x 20 cm
29. The Ineluctable Modality of the Visible / Thought Through My Eye. 2023. 40 x 30 cm
30. Your Coded Face (after Piero Della Francesca). 2023. 40 x 30 cm
31. My Coded Face (after Piero Della Francesca) and a Tear for SB. 2024. 40 x 30 cm
32. On Both Sides of the Street. 2023. 45 x 35 cm
33. Time Remade. 2002 - 2022. 35 x 35 cm
34. Rain (Kingfisher). 2024. 30 x 20 cm
35. Camus and The Talisman. 2024. 40 x 30 cm
36. A Heart (A City). 2024. 30 x 20 cm
37. Bank Station _ D O P P E L S E I T I G. 2002 - 2022. 35 x 35 cm
38. All Is Well _ Sisyphus. 2024. 45 x 35 cm
39. On Both Sides of the River (Tate Modern / St. Paul's). 2023. 30 x 40 cm
40. Rain on Ludgate Hill. 2024. 45 x 35 cm
41. S e h n s u c h t _ She Held My Hand In Her Hand _ (Piccadilly). 2002 - 2022. 36 x 30 cm
42. The City as a Monument. 2024. 40 x 30 cm
43. Growth in a Moment _ (Piccadilly). 2002 - 2022. 35 x 35 cm
44. The Ineluctable Modality of the Audible. 2023. 30 x 20 cm
45. Rain (Kingfisher). 2024. 40 x 30 cm
46. A Matter of Perspective (South of the River). 2002 - 2022. 35 x 35 cm
47. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 30 x 40 cm
48. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 30 x 40 cm
49. On Both Sides of the River (Walking Song). 2023. 30 x 40 cm
50. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 40 x 30 cm
51. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 40 x 30 cm
52. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 30 x 40 cm
53. On Both Sides of the River (A Ship of Fools). 2023. 45 x 35 cm
54. On Both Sides of the River (The Voice of the River). 2023. 45 x 35 cm
55. On Both Sides of the River. 2023. 45 x 35 cm
56. A Music of Image. 2024. 45 x 35 cm
57. On Both Sides of the River (A Ship of Fools). 2023. 45 x 35 cm.

Simon Benson, overzicht tentoonstelling mei/juni 2024


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