Hans Stevens' werk wordt getoond in de zomertentoonstelling 2017
Poetry International 2017:
performing Hans Stevens' at Phoebus Gallery June 1, 2017 - june 3, 2017 between 2.30 and 3.30 pm
- During the Poetry International Gallery tours on thursday, friday and saturday I will perform a text by Hans Stevens.
- Phoebus Gallery shows the 365 day-A4-tjes by Hans Stevens, which capture the entire main gallery space.
- In the basement is the exhibition with texts and books by Simon Benson.
- During the group visits I will performing a short text by Hans Stevens' in the entrance hall.
about the performance
- Hans Stevens is an almost unknown artist who died in 2013.
- His work consists of drawings, paintings, performances, writings, lectures...
- Being a performance/writing artist myself, I became especially interested in his texts.
- They are important for me because they are the sediment of a fully independent thinking, autonomous: Hans never used the words poetry, philosophy or even literature for his texts.
- They are a sort of language-based visual thinking about all sorts of aspects of live: especially about the concepts of imagination/creation and translation.
- For the fact that they don't try to give answers, but instead keep mentioning the same things like a mantra, they for me have a strong relation with ritual or religious texts.
- Although Hans Stevens never bothered about publication of his texts. I started - with his permission - reading them aloud.
- Since the first meetings with his texts I try to perform them as often as I can...
- My own performances deal with time and space. Some of the questions that fascinate me is: where do my works belong? For whom should I make them exist?
- Thinking of the independence of Hans' texts I think they belong basically to time and space....
- Therefore I decided to vocalize his texts while rotating around my center, as an approach to give them a timeless and spaceless existence.
- To avoid reading from a paper I pronounce the texts along with my own recording of the text.
- Because of Hans' very personal artificial Dutch language, it is not possible for me to translate them to english, still I think you could enjoy the sounds and the repetitions of the text.
- The text I will perform is the first from a series called 'brieven' (letters)
- Toine Horvers
In PHŒBUS•Rotterdam tijdens POETRY International een solo expositie van Hans Stevens, waarin een van de (ruim) dertien jaargangen van 'Dag A4-tjes' worden getoond: 365 'Dag A4-tjes' in potlood op papier uit 2010. Tekeningen waarin teksten zijn geschreven en ook de dagelijkse actualiteit (het nieuws) een plaats krijgt. In de galerieruimte beletage zal een labyrint aan tafels op schragen staan, waarop de 365 werken zijn neergelegd. Onlangs verscheen het boek " de weg bij het een boek EN " met 'Woordbeelden', getypte teksten, waarin de taal sterk geformaliseerd is. 26 mei - 11 juni 2017, opening zondag 28 mei 15-17 uur De kunstenaar Toine Horvers leest tijdens de opening een tekst van Hans Stevens voor; dit doet hij ook enkele malen tijdens de rondleidingen die Poetry International organiseert bij galeries, woensdag 31 mei, daarna donderdag t/m zondag 1 t/m 4 juni.

Over actualiteit... Een tekst van Johan Pas, mei 2017
'25' 25 januari t/m 9 maart 2015