Ken'ichiro Taniguchi (JP)


Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study for Rotterdam, the Netherlands, #1 2017, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, rotatable devices, hxbxd 75 x 132 x 33 cm., detail
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study for Rotterdam City, #2 2019, Compressed PVC, Hinges, Steel, Brass, Rotatable devices, Rubber, hxbxd 65 x 61 x 25 cm.
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study - Green Remains, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands 2016, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, 135 x 162 x 155 cm.

Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study for Rotterdam, the Netherlands, #1 2017, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, rotatable devices, hxbxd 75 x 132 x 33 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study for Rotterdam City, #2 2019, Compressed PVC, Hinges, Steel, Brass, Rotatable devices, Rubber, hxbxd 65 x 61 x 25 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study - Green Remains, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands 2016, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, 135 x 162 x 155 cm. In RIJKSMUSEUM, Aziatische Afdeling (bruikleen PHŒBUSRotterdam)

Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, photo “Hecomi Study for Rotterdam City #1”, 2017, 2/5, 53 x 25 cm.
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, 'Hecomi Fitting photo “Johan De Wittlaan 32, Den Haag”, 2015, 1/5, 39 x 25 cm.
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, photo “Green Remains”, 2019, 1/5, 25 x 36 cm

Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, photo "Hecomi Study for Rotterdam City #1", 2017, 2/5, 53 x 25 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, 'Hecomi Fitting photo "Johan De Wittlaan 32, Den Haag", 2015, 1/5, 39 x 25 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, photo "Green Remains", 2019, 1/5, 25 x 36 cm.

Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Johan de Wittlaan.32, Den Haag, the Netherlands #2
2015, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, 19.5 x 16.5 x 9 cm
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study #27 Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek Rotterdam NL, Part I - State II, 2018, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, rotatable devices, 150 x 170 x 20 cm.
PHŒBUS•RotterdamKen'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study 2002-2014

Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Johan de Wittlaan.32, Den Haag, the Netherlands #2
2015, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, 19.5 x 16.5 x 9 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, Hecomi Study #27 Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek Rotterdam NL, Part I - State II,
2018, Compressed PVC, hinges, steel, brass, rotatable devices, 150 x 170 x 20 cm.
Ken'ichiro Taniguchi, boekuitgave PHŒBUSRotterdam, 2014.

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